About bacterial vaginosis and candida

Bacterial vaginosis may result from an unbalance in the vaginal microflora. Normally the vaginal microflora is dominated by lactobactieria. If other bacterias take over at the expense of lactobacteria, one can experience discomfort in the genital area. Bacterial vaginosis may lead to less protection against vaginal infections. Bacterial vaginosis is commonly present. In a Swedish study it was found that 26 % of the women, that visited a clinic for sexual transmitted infections, STI, were infected by bacterial vaginosis. Fungal infections in genital area are most commonly caused by excessive growth of the fungus Candida. Women can be infected by fungal infection without any symptoms or discomforts and that is not dangerous. However, if the immune system deteriorates, or if the normal bacterial flora is disturbed, the fungus can proliferate and cause trouble discomfort. Common symptoms are itching and pain in genitals. One can also experience a light discharge.

  1. Symptoms that emerge from such infection may be malodorous discharge, itching and even pain. 

  2. Bacterial vaginosis: One can have bacterial infection that is associated with bacterial vaginosis without experiencing any discomfort or pain. In most cases it is not dangerous and treatment is not needed. However, if you do experience discomfort due to bacterial vaginosis it is treated with antibiotics. 

    Fungal infections (Candida): Infections can be treated by antifungal medications. In case of periodic infections one should seek medical assistance.

  3. Bacterial vaginosis: It is unclear what causes bacterial vaginosis. There are studies that suggest that it can be passed through sexual contact, but there are also studies showing this is not the case. Since it is unknown why we get bacterial vaginosis it is also difficult to protect yourself against it. 

    Fungal infections (Candida): Even though it is uncommon, fungal infections can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. Hence, fungal infection cannot be transmitted through oral sex or by using the same toilet seat as someone who carry a fungal infection (Candida).